Dashboard > Help > Block Schedule

Block Schedule


The app calendar can help students keep track of rotating blocks and/or days, if applicable for your school.

Some schools include the block rotation as events in their main school calendar. However, by separating the blocks into their own block schedule, the blocks can highlighted (distinct from events) in the app's Calendar screen.

Unlike other events, users will not be able to tap on the block rotation to open an event details screen.

Also, entering a block rotation into e.g. Google Calendar can be laborious. By using our Spreadsheet method, it can be easy to create and make changes to the block schedule.

To see if you have this feature configured, look for a Block Schedule menu item (next to Calendars) in the Content tab of your Dashboard home page. If it is not present, please contact Support.

School Days

If your school does not have a block rotation, it may be useful to set up a School Days calendar that can be used for recurring messages. This is set up the same way as a Block Schedule.

Initial Setup / Annual Update

You can either set up the Block Schedule like any other calendar, extract your Block Schedule from an existing website calendar, or use the built-in Spreadsheet.

If you have the Personalized Class Schedules feature, please follow these instructions for setting up your Block Schedule: Block Schedule Spreadsheet.

1. Separate calendar in Dashboard

When adding a new calendar in the Dashboard, specify that it is a block schedule by choosing Block Schedule under Calendar Type.

2. Extract From Website Calendar

If you already have the block schedule in an online Synced Calendar, first, ensure that that calendar is set up with the app.

When you add a new calendar, you can include or exclude certain patterns, such as ABCD. That may suffice to allow you to add a calendar that excludes the block rotation.

Ensure that your block format is entered very consistently in your calendar and not combined with other events, and then please contact Support for assistance.

3. Spreadsheet

Advantages of an Appazur spreadsheet template:

To update the Spreadsheet, please refer to:

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